Virtual University Final Term Exam Papers 2023

Final Term Exam Papers 2023
  • Virtual University Final Term Exam Papers 2023

Final Term Exam Papers 2023

Here You Can Find Virtual University Final Term Exam Papers 2023, Eng301, Zoo403, Zoo507, Zoo405, Cs403, Edu406, Bio 202, Bio301, and more subjects. Find Your Subject Below:-

MGT301 Final Term Papers February 2023

Timing 10 Mcqs sary hi Conceptual thy.
Business buying behavior
New Marketing business and digital marketing 3)Different between Industrial and consumer?5 marks Baki ik do Examples thi UN ko define krna tha ◻◻
4) Market penetration pricing is k zyda mcqs hi thy bohat zyda thy. Examples Waly…big. Themes 8 most important hy…is Mai se hi Chnge kr k examples di hovi thi sari mostly or mcqs. [7:37 PM, 2/27/2023] Ashii VU: Eng 201 today 12pm paper
Mcqs mostly from handouts or conceptual thy grammer k 1Define expoisture paragraph
2Fill in the blanks
True false
Literature review
Yaad nhi Long
Audience analysis before presentation
Fill in the blanks from REPORTS TOPICS
Fill in the blanks from
Comma slices and fused topics…….. 4 . Elements of test specification

ZOO403 Final Term Papers 2023

*Today paper Zoo 403
◻ Circadian rhythm regulates and coordinates daily
behavioral activities.
◻ Migration
a regular, long-distance change in location
◻ Competition is the struggle
among organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources.
◻ Foraging is the activities of an animal related to search,
recognize and capture food items.
◻ Generalist species that can live in many different types of environments, and have a
varied diet.
◻ Monogamous system in which one male mates with one female during a breeding season.
◻Monkeys troop always has a dominant male ( alpha male ).
◻A society is a group of individuals belonging to the same species and organized in cooperative manner.

MCM301 final term Paper 2023
Total 50 Question

40 m.c.q.s
10 Question
6 question (3 marks)
4 Question (5 marks)

Paper not easy base on concept before going for exam in campus must prepare and clear concept first.
M.c.q.s mostly from handouts.
Lesson 25 Groups go through four formative stages in becoming a group. Discuss names and give detail?
What is a memo? (3 marks)
Differntiate Emotion appeals and logical appeals? (5 marks)Lecture 40 Disppointning news letter .Refusing request for a favour?
Direct and indirect-inquiry letter statment di huwi ti. Form lesson 30 Organizing stage Outline the topics.
Why are u prefer and use handouts rather than visual aids dsicuss some factors something esi koi statment di huwi ti exact line nai yad. (3 marks)
Bs ye sab paper aya huwa ta ◻
Allah sab students ko ache cgpa se pass kre.

ZOO 405 Final Term Papers 2023
Virtual University Final Term Exam Papers 2023 Short Questions:
Define autotroph and heterotroph
difference between primary and secondary pollutants
– name three chemicals responsible for ozone layer depletion
-three ways to collect ecological analysis data
-difference between predator and prey qith example
-what is ectone
what is applied ecology Long question:
1 -noise pollution effect on human health
define community population and ecosystem how they are different from each other explain
characteristics of population
explain lentic and lotic ecosystem

Assalamualaikum guys! Today Edu403 paper Age stage lasted
Define mannerisms Types of photography Note of unity
Note of pointillism
Key features of photography Note on Cubism
Note on mural Types of painting Types of unity
Features of mannerisms difference between mural and mannerisms

MGT503 Final Term Papers 2023

Virtual University Final Term Exam Papers 2023
Can a position guarantees leadership?
Motivator and hygiene factors
corporate and business level strategy difference
Males and females leadership style is different r not explain
What are conditions job charateristic model are for successful job? Budgeting explain with examples

CS301 Final Term Papers 2023

CS301 today 8:00
Total question50
mcqs from handout and past paper Short question what is hashing selection problem
dummy node
Ak cide given tha error ki cause lihkna tha
Ak complete binary tree givn tha us f and g ka parent left child right chiled btna tha union bnana tha

ak double rotation tree ko krna tha Pixle wala tha

ENG 501 Final Term Papers 2023
French academy k points write krny Elyot ko bary ma likhna
Samuel ko described krna
Old English modern English ko described krna mcqs easy thy baki yad nai arah

ENG 501 Final Term paper 2023
French academy k points write krny Elyot ko bary ma likhna
Samuel ko described krna
Old English modern English ko described krna mcqs easy thy baki yad nai arah

Bio 301 Final term paper 2023
Short. Types of chromosomes according to centromere location Role of mgcl2 in pcr and edta in gel electrophoresis Erythrocyte lysis inRNA
HOT pcr and siccide pcr Long.suppressin mutation Dowm syndrom clinical feature Vntr?? 5 application

My English101 final term paper today 2023

Virtual University Final Term Exam Papers 2023 Short questions:
Sentence fragment with examples
give three way of essay writing which give us ideas
what de-emphasizing and emphasizing in action in passive writing/voice
Fill in the blanks related to note-making Note-making demands your full ——— Answer: attention
identify comma splice and complete sentence
using the hints change these sentences to positive form of “Present Perfect Progressive Sentence


Long ques…

Phy101 Final term Paper 2023
Virtual University Final Term Exam Papers 2023,

McQs boht Kam files sa tha Einstein postulate ka bara ma tha . Aur space ship speed relative to earth ka bara ma tha numaricals question b tha McQs ma zayada tar conceptual hi tha amplitude, frequency and pitch sa related boht zayada tha resistance, voltages and potential differences sa related thA, Stephan Boltzmann law weins law sa related b 2,3 McQs tha subjective part ma 2 numerical tha black body radiation sa related 2 question tha aur aak question tha why lights changes when car rolls up aur proton momentum find Karna tha aur Baki mujha Bhool gaya

Today CS401 Final Term Paper Feb 2023

Total 40 MCQs Very Tough 6 Short Questions
1: write assembly language code on serial port by using the keyboard port. 2 Write Assembly Language Functions two instructions . Function is given. 3: which purpose int10h use for?
4: write the AH Al and DX registers values on seril port int 21 Or int 21 not confirm 5: why we write the TSR program in assembly language?
6: Write the structure of the GDT. 4 Long Questions
1: Explain multitasking and multithrading.

2: write the values of the register on the int 21 or int 14 seriul port . 3: write the instructions of generating intrupt on processor.
4: last Wala bhol gya .. Paper very tough ☹◻◻◻◻◻

CS401 Final term Papers 2023

Cs401 time 12 pm 27/2/23
Mcqs were normal overall from full chapters.
CMPS destination lies in pointer….
Keyboard number is….
how many calling convention in Assembly language 4.Win32.asm will produce a file of….
Service number use for get drive
Vesa access to whole video
Multitasking kernel use int….
…..Low level as compared to ……
Td is on number…..
Gdtr loaded by …..
base address of 32 bit linear buffer frame at offset…. Short
Related to LDS
Views of parallel port
Irq conflict and its reason
How can we switch from real to protected mode
Code snippet from real to protected mode
What is EOI and its instruction LONG
PTI functionality
Service use for Reset disk and values of parameters 3.PIC
4.Compare the features of x86 and 8088 mode

MCM301 current final term paper 2023

Mcm301 yesterday paper Totally mcqs from past papers Direct and indirect form.
What is direct letters? What is brain storming? Note on emotions?
Note on invitation letters?

Audience tone in effective communication? What is bisness writing?

With reference to interpersonal communication .importance of situation & environmental content
2;A thesis must be concerte in its wording 3; Channel communication
4; Types of speech

5; don’t jump to concussion wla ak question tha Mcqs Kuch past sy thy or Kuch handouts sy

All MCQs and questions was so easy mCQSs kuch past sy Ty kuch conceptual but easy Short questions 4 Ty 3 ma…

*2 mcqs and 1 short from Lecture 23 ( look like example 1)1 mcqs to find quasi period.
*1 mcq from Lecture 24(E(t)=0,R=0 then oscillation is un damped)
*1mcqs and long was from Lecture 26 cauchy euler .
1 mcq and 1 short to Find wronskian .
1 long from power series .
2 mcq The points that are not ordinary points are called? Chap 30 find singular points
*Chap 33 bessel equation general form mcqs and 1 long
*Chap 34 (1 mcq .) general form of legendre diff equation
*Chap 35 (1mcq) simultaneous differential equation definition.)
*Convert into linear normal form 1 mcq and 1 short i think chap 37
*5 to 6 mcqs to find eigen value and 1 short
[7:37 PM, 2/27/2023] Ashii VU: Today Paper zoo403 timing 12:00 Why organisms compete for? 3
Advantages of territory? 5 marks
Which points should be kept in mind while animal selecting habitat? 5 marks Web making process?3
Purpose of territory?3

Example of social animal?3

Bio 301 Final term paper 2023
Short. Types of chromosomes according to centromere location Role of mgcl2 in pcr and edta in gel electrophoresis Erythrocyte lysis inRNA
HOT pcr and siccide pcr Long.suppressin mutation Dowm syndrom clinical feature Vntr?? 5 application

ZOO506 Final term Paper 2023

Virtual University Final Term Exam Papers 2023

Zoo506 ENTOMOLOGY TIME 8 am 27-2-23
Msqs : mostly from handouts conseptual and some from economic zoology Sort questions:
Commerical products of insects?
Enlist plants pollinated by insects?
Natural control of insects?

Commerical products of insects?
Artificial control?
Advantages of insects?
How insect involve in pollination?

Mcq from handous.. Mcq from mid 7 to 8 Short question
What is disease and example Commercial products of insects name

Natural control of insects Physical control methods Benefits of insects
Long questions
Discuss artificial control of insects Natural control of insects
How to attack insects on injuries pest Benefits of insects in details

Zoo506 paper
◻ today Shorts
How insects attack on injurious species Name of different insect legs.
Natural control of insects 2 br aya short ◻ Commercial product of insects
Which commercial product of insects produces. Artificial control of insects
Insects play an important role in pollination Benefits of insects

Bio 202 Final term Paper 2023
MCq thory mushkil thy… Hemogloban adult Mai kon c hoti hai. Adinine guanine waly aye thy 2 mcq… Water ka molecular weight kitna hota… QUESTION 5 MARKS:
effect of pH on ionization of active site. 2.allosteric effect of hemoglobin.
properties of nitrogenous base.
define velocity’ effect on the rate of velocity. QUESTION 3 MARKS:
define globosides.
properties of glycerol.
carbon atoms are numbr in pentose sugar of Nucleotide and Nucleotide
Mcqs kuch past files thy or mostly enzyme ma sy or DNA waly topic sy thy Question long easy thy1.characteristics of VLDl
primary structure of DNA
how activation energy effect rate of reaction
Short ma ak modified or Unusual basses btani thi or functional group btana tha purine or pyrimidine ka
Baki yaad nai
Or ak globosides wala short tha

My Bio202 paper 27 Feb Monday 10AM 1 to 40 mcqs
What is lipoxins? 2

What is buffer & its composition? 2

Three examples of polyunsaturated fatty acid? 2

Three types of unusal/modified base? 2

Isozyme of hexokinase illustrate the significance? 5

Beta bends? 5

nomenclature of polybandine? 5

5 properties of waxes? 5 Baki 2 questions yaad ni arhy

ZOO 505 Final term Papers 2023

8.00 am paper zoo505 MCqs from handouts and past paper se b ay thy ….short long qn. actin
function… freshly transcribed RNA can functional…..closed complex transcription. faciliated
diffusion..write splice site specific sequence ..preinitiation of transcription. elongation of
transcription… transition and transverse mutation with diagram End Replication Problem
[7:37 PM, 2/27/2023] Ashii VU: Bio 301
Short question:
Define autosomal recessive disease
Write step of DNA purification.
Base analogs
role of mgcl and EDTA buffer
Suicide and hot PCR difference Long question
Meiosis 1 meiosis 2
hot PCR short note
Short range use of molecular marker
Mono di TRI allelic percentage and form in humans Mcqs easy thy file sy b thy 75%
Bio 301
Name of common reseccive disorders
hot pcr and suicide pcr 3vntr long
4 bki conceptual thy mery or mcqs b bht tough thy ◻4 5 files mai sy thy bki mujhy koi nhi smjh lgi kaha sy ay kaha sy nhi

Zoo506 Finalterm Past Exam Papers 2023
M c q mid k thy or handout
How insect attact on injurious species Natural control insect
Artificial control insect
Plant name jo pollination krty .mry 2 bar bar whi question thy …but ez tha bht best of luck of u

Zoo 506 Finalterm
Time 12:00
marks questions 1:Coxa 2:Pollination
3:Name of commercial products of insects? 4: natural control of insects? 2- times

marks questions
1:Artificial control of insects? 2;Natural control of insects? 3:Benefits of insects?
4;Commercial products of insects?
Mcq’s from handouts conceptual thy kuch easy thy kuch tough thy …
Bio 202
MCq thory mushkil thy… Hemogloban adult Mai kon c hoti hai. Adinine guanine waly aye thy 2 mcq… Water ka molecular weight kitna hota… QUESTION 5 MARKS:
1.effect of pH on ionization of active site. 2.allosteric effect of hemoglobin.
properties of nitrogenous base.
define velocity’ effect on the rate of velocity. QUESTION 3 MARKS:
define globosides.
properties of glycerol.
carbon atoms are numbr in pentose sugar of Nucleotide and Nucleotide.
define karetins

Bif101today paper FAsta and gene bank Twilight zone Proteomics types Modular define
Factor biological structure GSn what type of file
Baki yad ni mcqs bhe bht tough thy not easy

Zoo 405 Final Term Papers 2023
Short Questions:
Define autotroph and heterotroph
difference between primary and secondary pollutants
– name three chemicals responsible for ozone layer depletion
-three ways to collect ecological analysis data
-difference between predator and prey qith example
-what is ectone
7- what is applied ecology Long question:
1 -noise pollution effect on human health
define community population and ecosystem how they are different from each other explain
characteristics of population
explain lentic and lotic ecosystem

Edu406 Final Term Papers 2023


## 3 benefits of action research

## 3 peer observation

## 3 levels of RP according to Cochron-smith, lytle 1999

## 2 consequences where teachers not show reflecting practioning ## 6 references Deways extension
✌◻LQ 5MARKS✌◻ ## Domain Proficiency
## Peer monitoring in Reflective practioning ## aik kuch thaa wo John aesy he kuch

Today paper CS403 : 8am Finalterm

◻short questions
-reflex arc componenet
why organisms compete for?
reciprocal altruisms
difference between specialist and generalists species
aggresive behaviour
◻long questions.
advantages of territory
-Which points should be kept in mind while selecting habitat?
-characteristics of social behvaiour. Parental care in birds..

Mcqs mostly handouts se tha conceptual but easy Short question
Pollination Coxa
Natural control 2 times Commercial products Long question Artificial control Commercial products Pollination
Natural control

Zoo405 Finalterm Paper-2023
1st law of thermodynamic(3) Competition (3)
Difference between uniform and random dispersion+ How rangeland distinguished from pastureland (3) Objective of Pakistan environmental act 1997(3) Water pollution(5)
Population ecology k characteristics(5) Ecotone and its importance(5)
Noise pollution k causes(3)
Ozone layer and ozone depletion(5)
Mcqs defines walyyy thyyy or kuch mushkll b thyy◻

Zoo507 Finalterm Papers 2023
Pollution wly topic me sa kafi paper tha
Mid term syllabus sa ek do mcqs thy bs baqi sra paper final term m Objective totally basic thi simple mcqs
Distribution of marine ecosystem Effects of air pollution
Sources of water pollution

Zoo507 finalterm
Types of acid rain

What is ozone and how it is depletion Air pollution causes
Economy importance Markhor characteristics Sandy dunes in Pakistan Radioactive contamination Snow leopard
Ionic bond

Depletion of resources Commensalism
Oxygen demanding sources
Mcqs mostly from final term syllabus
Bas Jo notes ky last par thy na bany huy un my sy 7 mcqs ay thy Aur short my bioremediation Aya tha how competition can be minimized?

ZOO403 Final Term Exam Papers 2023

Today Paper zoo403 timing 12:00 Why organisms compete for? 3 Advantages of territory? 5 marks
Which points should be kept in mind while animal selecting habitat? 5 marks Web making process?3
Purpose of territory?3 Example of social animal?3

ENG301 Final Term Exam Papers 2023
[7:38 PM, 2/27/2023] Ashii VU: Today paper Eng301 27/22023 Quiz
◻An adjustment letter is the reply to a complaint (called a claim letter).
◻There are two kinds of sales letters: Solicited and unsolicited
◻The central selling point (CSP).
◻The written record of the proceedings of a meeting is called the minutes of the meeting.
◻Informal reports are usually short messages with natural, casual use of language.
◻Analytical Letter Reports These include investigation of an issue or problem, Calculation of financial ratios of a company in order to control its financial condition.
◻Recommendation is Included in Text parts .
◻Title Page The title of the report 2. The name, title and address of the person group etc that authorized the report.
◻A synopsis is a brief overview

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Ansley Leffler
Ansley Leffler
6 months ago

Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!