CS101 Midterm Current Papers 2022
Download CS101 Midterm Current Papers 2022 shared by Virtual University Students, These Papers help you for the Preparation of Your midterm exams.
CS101 Midterm Current Paper 2022
- Q1. Write three properties of a complex system.
- Q2. Convert hexadecimal to binary.
- B629
- Q3.using AND operater or XOR.
- 1001001
- 0010001 ye input thi or inki output dyni thin in dono gates ko use kr k.
- Q4. Define flow control, packets are tramission bye source to…. Kuch esa question tha.
- CS 101
- Definition of hardware?
- Stocks Dell?
- AND Or XOR operation ki calculation karni thi mathematic dii hoi thi
- Orr ik question ya tha ka MB , TB orr GB bhi batayny thy
CS101 Midterm Current Paper 2022
- Q1. Write three properties of complex system.
- Q2. Convert hexadecimal to binary.
- B629
- Q3.using AND operater or XOR.
- 1001001
- 0010001 ye input thi or inki output dyni thin in dono gates ko use kr k.
- Q4. Define flow control, packets are tramission bye source to…. Kuch esa question tha
- Mideterm paper cs (101)
- 5 marks question
- Algorithm making a cup of tea module 85
CS101 Midterm Current Paper 2022
- 3 marks questions
- 1 Artificial intelligence
- 2 psl cricket match
- 3 tit
- Search on search engine and give your results
- 5marks question
- Sounds amplitude
- 3marks question
- Binary addition and compliment sa related tha
CS101 Midterm Current Paper 2022
- Paper 8:30 AM
- 18 Mcqs from Handouts. 2 to 3 are from past papers.
- 5 Questions
- 1- The Ballpoint which is a stationary thing is of 20 rupees. Write the output in code in XML
- 2- A Novel written by M.Ali “first novel of Ali” write output in Code XML.
- 3- these are search by Google. Write their output
- #Artificialintelligence
- * for tat
- 4- You have 2 Ethernet bus network and one WiFi network You have to send message through WiFi network to Ethernet network. Write steps.
- 5- Change decimal value 25 into Binary notation.
Cs101 (10 January)(10:30AM)
- 18 mcqs
- three steps of machine cycle (3)
- Identify peripheral devices from given devices (3)
- XML code (5)
- Operation_Optical devices (5)
- Five devices that use are embedded operatiory system (5)
CS101 Midterm Current Paper 2022
- URL ki abbreviation or examples aye thi,Floating point ky error trancation ko solve krny ky konsy 2 method hn,Or mentisa exponent wala question aya tha, Binary ko hexadecimal mn change krna kr k jana or objective bhtt hi fazool tha
CS101 Midterm Current Paper 2022[10/01, 16:39]
- Paper 8 30
- 18 mcqs from handsout…
- Q1.2’s complement,conversation between positive and negative representation
- Q2.7+(-5) 2’s complement k method sy solve krna tha
- Q3.machine cycle k 3 steps likhny thy
- Q4.CDN stands for and its purpose?
CS101 Midterm Current Paper 2022
- Questions:
- We have different operating systems.Write three types of operating system?
- 2.Binary Addition.
- 3.Types Full Form of URL.Also write three examples of URL.
- 4.Convert bit pattern to Hexadecimal.